Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Rider Pegs Stay

It's been a while since I checked in with Cliff, the fella I was planning to work on the tank with, and admittedly, it's all my fault.  However, when you leave a high paying job for one with the city, you get gain a lot of satisfaction, but not as much extra cash.  Add that to a pricey divorce, and you're left with a tight budget and no furniture.

So, as I'm waiting to hear how much I owe on taxes, living from paycheck to paycheck at the moment, hoping to afford the new carburettor next week, the one thing I can do is research.  Weirdly, the more I look into the new cafe bikes, the more I see the brat bike making a huge push.

Originally, I intended to make the BSA a single-seat cafe racer, but now that I've been dropped back into the dating pool, I'm going to have to say that I want this bike to be able to carry a cute girl on the back.  That means a 2-seater butt cushion and rider pegs.

What does that mean for the overall design?  Well, I'm going to have to figure out a new solution for the battery box, since it's not going to be hidden in the tail hump anymore.  The old version is a piece of shit that used to hang on the outside of the frame, under the ugly side cover.  Bad design.

I love the original oil tank - very sexy.  However, I'll need another consult with Cliff, because it seems that it might now be necessary to build a custom oil/battery combo unit to keep the bike clean and sexy.  It's a labor of love, and it's going to take as long as necessary.  (I have to keep telling myself that.)

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