Wednesday, May 30, 2012

If God didn't want me to own a dozen motorcycles, he wouldn't give me great deals!

To be fair, I don't own a dozen bikes...only six.  In my defense, they're all incredibly different, and it's comparable to a woman having many shoes for any occasion.  At this very moment, I own a 1964 Lambretta LI 175, a 1971 Honda CL175, a 1973 Honda CL350, a 2003 Genuine Stella (Vespa PX copy), a 2008 Genuine Stella, and of course, the 1967 BSA A50. 

With the exception of the BSA, they're all running great, but being vintage, they're always needing minor maintenance. Today, I had to run out to the corner store for caffeine, and on the way back I pulled into my neighborhood hardware store to say hi.  There's an older lady and a young guy who always help me out, and are always eager to hear about the motorcycles I'm building, but they never get to see them.  Today I fixed that.

They came out to the sidewalk and were overjoyed, to say the least.  It was great to see them take pride in my little Honda 350, since I explained to them that from all their assistance at the store, they really did take an active part in helping me keep these great machines on the road.  I think it was a real high point of everyone's day.

I guess the moral of my story is that these bikes are more than just one guy in a garage.  There are tons of online message boards and resources, amazing retired mechanics and shops with endless advice.  It truly "takes a village" to keep these bikes going.

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